Category Archives: .NET

BlazorWasm template for Visual Studio 2019

As of Dotnet Core 3.1 Preview1 (3.1.0-preview1.19506.1), the blazorwasm template is missing from the default manifest.

If you’re following FreeCodeCamp – How to create a SPA with Razor pages and Blazor then this is a problem for you! As well, the New Project UI has changed and does not follow the VS 2017 flow.

The solution is found here. Use the dotnet CLI to add the blazorwasm template and then to create the demo project.

dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates::3.1.0-preview1.19508.20

Now dotnet new -l will show blazorwasm as a template option.

dotnet new -l

Templates                 Short Name    Language     Tags
Blazor Server App       blazorserver    [C#]         Web/Blazor
Blazor WebAssembly App  blazorwasm      [C#]         Web/Blazor

And now, create the demo Solution :

dotnet new blazorwasm --hosted -o BlazorSPA

This creates the 3-project solution (--hosted) under the new folder blazorwasm (-o blazorwasm).

Update Oct 21, 2019 – Found “Get Started w/ ASP.NET Core Blazor” page, including Dotnet Core 3.1 compatible template.

Pros & Cons – Rails vs. .NET Study

I’m debating between moving my career in one of two ways :


Study ruby on rails, leave Microsoft development, move my career in a new direction. I feel immediate happiness in this endeavor.


  • Test-driven development “baked in” to the development software
  • Installation and environment setup is free. No extra computer is required.
  • Ruby language contains “best-practices” of multiple languages and is “modern”. Ruby applies “LOLA” (Law of least astonishment), which makes it easier to apply “best-practices” to written code.
  • Community is VERY robust. Meetings are regular. IRC and listservs have heavy message traffic
  • My current skills apply to Ruby/Rails, even when from a different language/framework (IE Microsoft)
  • Best practices of Ruby/Rails align with current software-development industry research on best way to structure project management, design software, and build maintainable large-scale web systems.
  • By writing code in a system that aligns with best practices, I feel like I’m doing “the right thing” when I’m writing software.


  • Job Market is “currently” limited.
  • I need time to develop the skills/experience to support current income
  • Achieving experience appears to be a catch-22


Study Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) / .NET 2.0. Give in to “the state”, admit that a governmentally structured certification machine also has a thriving job market. Join a Microsoft Consulting Firm full time and be a valuable contributor to their technologies.


  • Easy Job Market
  • I have valued skills (according to last job-seeking process)


  • Cost of Entry (Need new computer ($1000) + Software + Certification Testing $)
  • I don’t agree with Microsoft attitude toward developer community
  • I don’t agree with Microsoft attitude toward open-source / linux
  • Developer community is not robust (Few user group meetings in Chi, Forums/Elists don’t answer questions)
  • Microsoft web-development software (ASP.NET 2.0) does not support test-driven development
  • Microsoft development software is often confusing to read and confusing to use. Microsoft does not apply “LOLA” (Law of least astonishment).

Updated: 20 June 2007 12:35:00. This rounds out the pro/con list to more clearly present my perspective on what direction to take my career.

SSIS Package Loader – MSDB Folders and Configuration Adherence

Here is a 1-2-3 for building your own VB.NET 2.0 Console application that will allow the upload of SSIS packages to SQL Server storage in the MSDB folder of your choice. The process also allows correct operation of XML Configurations on the packages (other configurations should work too, not tested by me in production though).

Here goes!

  1. Launch VS.2005. Start a new VB Windows Console Application project.
  2. Add Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS library to References
  3. Paste this into Module 1.vb
    Module Module1
        Sub Main()
            Dim packages As System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection = My.Settings.packageManifest
            Dim pkgName As String
            Dim fileName As String
            Dim processContinue As Boolean = True
            For Each pkgName In packages
                Dim pkgFilePath As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath + "" + pkgName + ".dtsx"
                If Not System.IO.File.Exists(pkgFilePath) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Package " + pkgName + ".dtsx is not found on the local file folder.")
                    processContinue = False
                End If
            For Each fileName In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "*.dtsx")
                pkgName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)
                If Not packages.Contains(pkgName) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("File " + pkgName + ".dtsx is found on the local file folder but is not included in the .config  section.")
                    processContinue = False
                End If
            If Not processContinue Then
                Console.WriteLine("Please verify that all files in the .config  section are on the local folder.")
                Console.WriteLine("Please verify that all files in the local folder are listed in the .config  section.")
                For Each pkgName In packages
            End If
            Console.Write("Press Any Key ...")
        End Sub
    End Module
  4. Create a new class PackageHelper.vb and paste this code
    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer
    Public Class PackageHelper
        Private Shared Function loadSSISPackage(ByVal pkgName As String) As Dts.Runtime.Package
            Dim dtsapp As Dts.Runtime.Application = New Dts.Runtime.Application
            Dim pkg As Dts.Runtime.Package = dtsapp.LoadPackage(pkgName, Nothing)
            Return pkg
        End Function
        Public Shared Sub SaveToSQL(ByVal pkgName As String)
            Dim dtsapp As Dts.Runtime.Application = New Dts.Runtime.Application
            Dim pkgFilePath As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath + "" + pkgName + ".dtsx"
            Dim ssisFolder As String = "\" + My.Settings.targetSSISMSDBfolderName
            Dim ssisServer As String = My.Settings.targetSSISserver
            Dim ssisPackagePath As String = ssisFolder + "" + pkgName
            If Not dtsapp.FolderExistsOnSqlServer(ssisFolder, ssisServer, Nothing, Nothing) Then
                Console.WriteLine("Server:" + ssisServer + "  Folder:" + ssisFolder + "  SSIS Msdb Folder is not found on server.  Check Project Settings (Settings.settings).")
            ElseIf Not System.IO.File.Exists(pkgFilePath) Then
                Console.WriteLine("Package: " + pkgFilePath + "  The file specified is not found in the " + My.Application.Info.ProductName + " current directory.")
                Console.WriteLine("Saving package to SQL (" + ssisServer + ") " + ssisPackagePath + " Starting ...")
                Dim pkg As Dts.Runtime.Package = PackageHelper.loadSSISPackage(pkgFilePath)
                If dtsapp.ExistsOnSqlServer(ssisPackagePath, ssisServer, Nothing, Nothing) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Saving package to SQL (" + ssisServer + ") " + ssisPackagePath + " Removing Previous Instance ...")
                    dtsapp.RemoveFromSqlServer(ssisPackagePath, ssisServer, Nothing, Nothing)
                End If
                Console.WriteLine("Saving package to SQL (" + ssisServer + ") " + ssisPackagePath + " ...")
                dtsapp.SaveToSqlServerAs(pkg, Nothing, ssisPackagePath, ssisServer, Nothing, Nothing)
                Console.WriteLine("Saving package to SQL (" + ssisServer + ") " + ssisPackagePath + " Complete")
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
  5. Add Settings.Settings to the project to create the XML configuration file for the installer.Name: targetSSISserver
    Type: String
    Value: your server nameName: targetSSISMSDBfolderName
    Type: String
    Value: Your MSDB Folder Name – This must pre-exist on the target SSIS ServerName: packageManifest
    Type: System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
    Value: newline-delimited list of package names. This will be an element list in the XML Config file.An example resulting app.config :

                    Deployment Test
  6. Build the console app. Copy the SSISPackageUploader.exe and SSISPackageUploader.exe.config to a new folder along with the packages you intend to upload.
  7. Modify the SSISPackageUploader.exe.config to contain the intended targetSSISserver, targetSSISMSDBfolderName, and packageManifest

SSIS IsBig… Really Big… I mean HUGE!

I’ll be blogging some on SSIS as I now have a new gig slinging data hither and yon. Duck, you don’t want to get a DT_I8 in the face.

So, today I was bitten by the IsBig flag on DataFlow Aggregate Transformation. This flag is notated in the BOL:

A column may contain numeric values that require special consideration because of their large value or precision requirements. The Aggregation transformation includes the IsBig property, which you can set on output columns to invoke special handling of big or high-precision numbers. If a column value may exceed 4 billion or a precision beyond a float data type is required, IsBig should be set to 1.

So, the result here is a column that is Input to the Aggregate Transformation as DT_I4 and has IsBig = 1 WILL be Output DT_I8, and the IDE will not allow the otuput datatype to be changed with Advanced Editor!

This bit me with one column in a large Aggregate somehow getting set IsBig and messing up the downstream metadata. Several different looks at the issue were all proving dead ends.

Next time you run into a metadata mismatch, especially if its a DT_I4 or DT_R4 turning into their 8-byte counterparts, remember, you need to tap your inner IsBig and see the light!

Unit Test WPF Window with NUnit

I will outline how to setup NUnit testing with WinFX 1.0 (Feb CTP) in order to UnitTest an Avalon Window.

What’s wrong

Points of technology that drive the details.

  • WPF windows must run on an STA Thread (Single-Apartment) MS Forums
  • NUnit (and, using the NUnit API) run all tests with an MTA Thread. NUnit Developers Wiki: ExceptionsOnThreads
  • In order to generate and start an STA thread from within a running MTA, grasshopper, you must warm up your System.Threading fu and investigate Thread() and Thread.SetApartmentState. GeekNoise : Peter Provost

The recipe to success

  1. Create a new class in your test Assembly to hold the NUnitHelper namespace and class.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Text;
    namespace NUnitHelpers
    class CrossThreadTestRunner
    private ThreadStart userDelegate;
    private Exception lastException;
    public void RunSTA(ThreadStart userdelegate)
    this.userDelegate = userdelegate;
    Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.MultiThreadedWorker));
    if (lastException != null)
    public void Run(ThreadStart userdelegate)
    this.userDelegate = userdelegate;
    Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.MultiThreadedWorker));
    if (lastException != null)
    private void ThrowExceptionPreservingStack(Exception e)
    FieldInfo remoteStackTraceString = typeof(Exception).GetField("_remoteStackTraceString",
    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    remoteStackTraceString.SetValue(e, e.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine);
    throw e;
    private void MultiThreadedWorker()
    catch (Exception e)
    lastException = e;

    This is adapted from Peter Provost’s original code. First, I compressed his constructor/method calls into just the method call. This allows me the cleanest calling-code that I can get with minimal effort. Second, I duplicated Run() into RunSTA() in order to test STA threads that are executing the WPF Window.

  2. Now my calling class (the actual NUnit testing class) can use this new helper to correctly process WPF testing (handling Assert exceptions instead of raising UnhandledException error inside NUnit’s execution path.) :
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Automation;
    using System.Windows.Interop;
    using NUnit.Framework;
    namespace NunitTest
    public class Class1
    NUnitHelpers.CrossThreadTestRunner runner = new NUnitHelpers.CrossThreadTestRunner();
    public void truthtest()
    public void falsetest()
    public static void TestAddressbookWorker()
    Window ab = new AddressBookLib.Window1();
    ab = null;
    Assert.IsTrue(false, "Forced NUNit Failure");
    public void TestAddressBook()
    runner.RunSTA(new ThreadStart(TestAddressbookWorker));

    Here each test method requires a worker that contains the actual testing code. The calling test is simply delegating the worker method into the CrossThreadTestRunner instance. Using RunSTA() starts an STA thread and then the WPF window is started happily.

  3. NUnit Output!! (For those unbelieving)
------ Test started: Assembly: NunitTest.dll ------

TestCase 'NunitTest.Class1.falsetest' failed:
C:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsWinFXAddressBookNunitTestClass1.cs(26,0): at NunitTest.Class1.falsetest()

TestCase 'NunitTest.Class1.TestAddressBook' failed: Forced NUNit Failure
C:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsWinFXAddressBookNunitTestClass1.cs(35,0): at NunitTest.Class1.TestAddressbookWorker()
C:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsWinFXAddressBookNunitTestCrossThreadTestRunner.cs(55,0): at NUnitHelpers.CrossThreadTestRunner.MultiThreadedWorker()
C:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsWinFXAddressBookNunitTestCrossThreadTestRunner.cs(48,0): at NUnitHelpers.CrossThreadTestRunner.ThrowExceptionPreservingStack(Exception e)
C:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsWinFXAddressBookNunitTestCrossThreadTestRunner.cs(24,0): at NUnitHelpers.CrossThreadTestRunner.RunSTA(ThreadStart userdelegate)
C:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsWinFXAddressBookNunitTestClass1.cs(42,0): at NunitTest.Class1.TestAddressBook()

1 passed, 2 failed, 0 skipped, took 21.25 seconds.

Apache/SCGI on Windows XP / 2003

I’m trying to configure a production-mode Win2003 server for rails apps.

I ran down the rabbit hole for all of the following configurations :

  • Cygwin/lighttpd SCGI/FastCGI: compiling errors on both my dev machine and vmware test.
  • InstantRails / SCGI : well, after figuring out how to run production-mode scgi_server as a windows service (details below), I still have trouble getting InstantRails to run as a “service” itself. This is not the fault of InstantRails, and Curt, you get KUDOS KUDOS KUDOS for the work in gettting InstantRails to work at all! (see below for some details on how to auotmate the scgi-as-a-service installation, when you get InstantRails running as a service itself (or at least the apache/mysql servers).
  • IIS / FastCGI : 404 error every time. With no log output, there’s nothign to see and nothing to do.. except look elsewhere for a solution!

Here’s the final solution :

Apache SCGI Configuration

VS 2005 Beta 2 RTM & TDD

Ok, it’s been a while… a loong loong while.
All my projects are now in process of being converted to VS.NET 2.0. Currently using the Sept.05 CTP.
Now that a couple of the projects are deployed (using the Beta 2 go-live license, of course… only build on Beta 2… CTP’s are not licenced!) I’m going into TDD and Mocking mode. Looks like RhinoMock gets the win as currently having a build on NetFx 2.0. I’m in the less-work-win-bid category right now… all projects are officially behind due to rewrite.

So, my next post will outline a simple way to test a home-grown data-access web service.

TEST DRIVEN UI – Dot Net Unit Testing UI

Hello Hello Hello,

It’s been a long time. I’ve had my head buried under several layers of black, gooey, .NET C# UI routines.

Testing UI is NOT a picnic.

I’ve found problems in two categories thus far :

1. Old VB6 tactics result in cross-updating/cross-merging of datasets. Basically MAJOR data collisions. The most common instances of this are a pair of cascading comboboxes where combobox-child has list-data one minute… and no list data the next! The hardest debugging is watching the Step-into pass over a line of code and the dataset has changed… what happened to my internals?!

2. Mocking for UI is scarily complicated. Again here is a bunch of dataset collsions, but also the need to mock the results of data processes (especially updates) for the purpose of the UI. I will note here that coding ADO.NET one-row inserts and updates with specified primary-key values is still 1000% easier than ADO!

OK, If anyone is reading my blather, feel free to comment, suggest.

I especially want to hear of your own experiences or links to other Test-Driven UI efforts.

New stuff

I will be documenting some of my adventures with Visual Studio .NET, both WinForms and ASP.NET. My main platform is Win2000/XP, SQL Server 2000, IIS 5. We do not perform “disconnected” application programming at my company. External intra-net access is achieved via Terminal Services.