Jim’s article demonstrates this :
Don’t say CRUD say FUC’D.
I Love It!
Jim’s article demonstrates this :
Don’t say CRUD say FUC’D.
I Love It!
rcov code coverage for Ruby released by Mauricio Fernandez contains all that is needed to produce code-coverage reporting in Rails.
Ruby 1.8.4 (especially on Win32 requires updated libraries.)
Rails 1.1.2
There is only one file to add to your current rails app: lib/tasks/coverage.rake
require 'rcov/rcovtask' namespace :test do Rcov::RcovTask.new do |t| t.libs << “test†t.test_files = FileList['test/unit/*.rb', 'test/functional/*.rb'] t.output_dir = 'test/coverage' t.verbose = true end end
Here’s the new tasks with rake -T
(in C:/radrailsworkspace/pimki/trunk) [... snip standard tasks ...] rake test:clobber_rcov # Remove rcov products for rcov rake test:rcov # Analyze code coverage with tests [...]
The default taskname for the RcovTask instance is ‘rcov’. Rcov automatically creates the ‘clobber_’ task that is basically a rm_rf
on the RcovTask#output_dir.
Run rake test:rcov
and see how much of your code is really tested!!
The end of your rake run will contain a pretty-print text report of the rcov. Also, you can navigate to ./test/coverage/index.html
to see the graphic report. See the docs for more info.